Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I think that we all need to be mindful that during lectures everybody is at different levels on knowledge and understanding. We need to be respectful of this. Taking and laughing during lecture is distracting for others. I know that we have all been guilty of this at one point or another. Put yourself in others shoes and think how you would feel. Just something for you to consider.


stuart said...

This means me doesn't it...[/gulp]
Sorry, I'll try my best not to do it again.

Luke K said...

Yes very valid point Nici.

It's important to seriously respect one another and respect the fact that we are all here to learn.

Disturbances can become quite frustrating when people are really trying hard to listen, learn and understand something new.

We are a good class so lets keep it this way by respecting others always.
Lets all make more of an effort to be mindful and respectful of this issue in future classes. I know i will and i trust we all will.

Lets all work together TEAM BOH 1!!

Thank you

sophiek said...

Some very honest comments from Nici. There are times to have fun and times to listen. I think we just need to stick to some simple principles and that is that when people are trying to learn and listen actively, it is made difficult if there are too many distractions. So rather than talk aimlessly, why dont we draw the conversations into the learning process. We can have everyone actively involved by centering the discussions around the learning issues. If you are ahead of the class, then support others who may be struggling. The favour will be returned one day.

Nici said...

No stuart this doesn't mean you, your ok, it was directed at everyone.There are times when questions are asked that aren't revelant thats when i find hard to follow along with others. But again its great that you have the knowledge and passsion for furter understanding. Your not the only one that as questions either that looses people.