Sunday, March 18, 2007


There have been a few calls to start a BOH class calendar in which we can add important events, due dates etc. I have set up a Google calendar to facilitate this:

Everyone should be able to view it, but to edit you need to both have a google account (the same as what you need to contribute to this blog) as well as be added to the permissions list. As of now I have added everyone's university email to this list (in the form of If your email is different to this, or you used a different email to sign up to this blog, just email me your correct one and I'll add you when I get the chance (I check my email accounts daily).

This should be pretty awesome if it is kept up to date with everything, but I certainly can't do that on my own, so everyone: log on and start adding important BOH dates!
BTW, I think the calendar is best viewed in the month view (either click on the month tab at the top, or click on the name of the month on the left hand side)


Luke K said...

Cheers again Stuart!!! i will gladly help with the 2007 BOH calendar. The more people that help, the easier it will be, and the more detailed and precise it will be.
Fantastic work Stu! Thank you for setting this up and all your other valuable help!! :) Hail the great FunkeyStu !!

sophiek said...

Brilliant idea!!! This will help pace the assessmemt requirements as well. Although you have had a lot of assignments etc issued to you, are they all due around the same time??? This would be good for me to know, so that staff can coordinate the due dates as best we can. Remember, pace yourselves!!! Dont leave everything to the last minute, and if you are learning in a social environment then it can compensate for some of the formal socialising time that you may need to be sacrificing now. But please make sure you leave plenty of time for fun as well.

Also just as a gentle reminder. Be careful to understand the cheating and plagiarism policy of the university. Sometimes when students are learning in such a social setting as our course is set up to be, it may be easy to accidently hand up material that is identical and that appears as if students have cheated. Unless it is a formal group submission as outlined in the criteria issued to you before an assessment, then you must always put your final submission in individually. So you can research and plan together, but you must construct your final piece of work for handing up individually. Students have at times misunderstood the difference between group work and cheating, so please be aware of this. If you need further clarification let me know. Thanks.

stuart said...

I haven't actually added all the assignments yet, just the ones that we have been given an assignment sheet for. So, atm, it doesn't look like there's too much bunching. Hopefully things will become more apparent when everyone starts adding more dates in.
A big thanks to Luke and Jasmina for their contributions.
If anyone has any difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact me, I think it would be great if everyone could be able to add events!

jenn said...

thumbs up =D

chonni said...

hey stuart...
thanks heaps for the calendar... its wicked! you are soo brainy!!!