Thursday, March 8, 2007


After some serious issues with my computer and memory loss, i finally remembered how to long in to my blog and post a comment! *YAY!*

Our course so far has ben heaps of fun! It's also been incredibly daunting! Im not sure about anyone else, but my timetable appears very confusing! I'm not sure if it is possible, but are we able to get our hands on an ammended timetable with all the additions and changes fixed up on it? My pencil marks are getting very messy!

Also, if anyone is having any trobules with the bio or chem in Human Biology, I still have my books from year 12 which I'm happy for people to borrow or have a look at. They give a very simple explaination of whats going on and build up from there. (I have some workbooks too so you can test yourself along the way) Let me know and I'll be happy to bring them in.

Well, I'll see you all tomorrow, and if I forget, have a fantastic long weekend! - STAY HEALTHY!


stuart said...

Yeah the timetable thing is getting to be a bit of a problem - I'm never too sure where I'm meant to be - ever.

The following is what I have -
**please note that, while every attempt has been made to get this correct, it is more likely than not that I screwed it up badly.

I entered all the data in from the original timetable and then edited it as far as I could using the course manual. The parts I had trouble with were:

clinical practice, Monday - book says 12.10-2.00, but the timetable has a General studies class from 1.00-2.00.


clinical practice, Wednesday - it says we have a resource session from 9-9.30 in lecture theater 2, and spend the rest of the time (until 12.30) in the west lab. I'm just not too clear on this because we didn't really have a resource session this week and it doesn't seem that necessary given we are pretty much doing wax carvings during these lessons.

The coloured ones below are exactly the same, they just, imho look better.

Please tell me if there's anything wrong, or out or whatever and I'll try to update it every couple of days :)

amy 'purple' chen said...

Interesting use of colours in your timetable, Stuart. I'll be keeping the purple. kekeke!

stuart said...

I actually did the purple one specifically with you in mind :)

Luke K said...
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Luke K said...

funkeystu's new and improved latest updated 'diary sized' timetable.

go to ......

just copy and paste it into the search bar, print it off and bobs your uncle thanks to Stuart!!

Luke K said...

many thanks Stuart !!

sophiek said...

Ok this is great guys!!! First thing for me to address is the timetable. I will get the tutors to log onto this site so they can also see what the issue is. My opinion...Forget the A4 timetable and draw one up as Stu has based on the information in the handbook. You have a detailed outline there of day to day events. There are too many specifics that just cant be captured on the A4 sheet. As far as Wed mornings, the venue has been booked because as the year progresses there will be resource sesisons from time to time that Mignon will inform you of.

Remember use your handbook.. that is your BOH Directory....