Thursday, March 29, 2007
Partay! great idea..
I have decided that as class rep I should finally do something..
As some of you may already know, next Thursday (yes the last day of uni before holidays) is NAOMI'S 18th birthday!!!
So it would be great if we could make it out that night to help her celebrate the big one eight and the fact that we've all made it through semester 1a.
Would be fantastic, tell me what you think we can try to figure something out, and remember public holiday next day, can sleep in as long as we want..
Susan :)
Human Biology (Keith's Teeth)
I was just wondering if the people in the Violet Group could meet up this Monday coming up, i was hoping if we could have a meeting. I did consider massaging all you guys but i don't have every ones numbers. I will mention this today or Friday. We all have to present the Keith's teeth on Tuesday so we really need to get organised. The sooner we all do this the better
Jasmina :-)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
NO! not the putrid smell of the Med. South building! ............
FREEDOM is just 'round the corner!!
For 2 weeks anyways! (i reserve the right to be wrong if we get homework lol)
A few more sun rises and sunsets and BAM !!! gee life goes by so quickly... sighh
Just don't let it slip! I know i will be doing some revision on human biology and a few other areas in the holidays, but very importantly...............
Party On Dudes!! Excellent!! (bill and teds, Excellent Adventure, 2000 approx.) - in text reference
Biology Tutor
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
(>_<) only 8 more days!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Thanks guys
Thanks guys
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Gen Stud Evaluation Criteria Links
Stuart and Luke found that the following link below should be used instead (thanks guys!)
Earlier in the week I sent an email to Sue on this issue she confirmed that the links to the 'New Mexico State University' and 'University of California Los Angeles' Article review sites are
The first and second comments for this post should be the email I sent to Sue and her reply. I hope this helps anyone who was unsure how to layout their report.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
BOH 1 Student Contact List 2007
I have tried to put a contact list for us to add our details to it and make it easier if we need to contact each other directly for any reason.
If you are happy to post/share your contact details, just click the link bellow and add your details to it. once you have finished, go to the top right hand side wher it says save&close to save your entry.
Also, if you have an MSN / hotmail account, be sure to enter it so that we can have
'WINDOWS LIVE MSN MESSENGER' for instant internet conversations.
Have a good weekend!!
From Karen Harris
General Studies Assignment
Since, i have done a thorough search through the Uni. of Adelaide library web site and found that this site is more than likely the site in which we should have been directed.
Please click the link evaluation criteria
At the moment Stu and I are planning to evaluate each of the articles separately and then compare them. we will only do the draft and do the reading until we're sure. Follow the format of the formative assessment.
But remember...... use your assessment guide and BOH 1st year handbook
PS this is a guide only... Stu and i reserve the right to be wrong and just thought this may help get us started on the draft while waiting for confirmation from Sue Gardner
BOH I Calendar
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Amy F
BOH I venue for review session
SG 21b. from 11 - 12
For those that have registered attendance with either Luke or Susan.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
General Studies- Course Material Listings???
Is anyone finding the General Studies (Course Material Listings) a bit confusing???
I noticed that the lecture postings and semester case study assignment 1 was for 2006??? as well as the evidence based dentistry 1 is for 2006???
Is there anyway of updating the content so that only material presented THIS YEAR is displayed?, I just wasted so much paper... :(
Below is an email i have sent to Katrina regarding the issue of noise distraction in the DHS DLP sessions. It was nice to receive a prompt reply from Katrina to gain insight and understanding in relation to this matter. The reply is posted in the comments section of this post.
Hello Katrina,
As one of the BOH 1st year class representatives i thought i would express a concern that is negatively impacting the extent of possible learning outcomes in Friday's DLP sessions. It has come to my attention that two out of the three DHS DLP groups studying on Fridays are suffering from a bit of noise distraction from each other whilst participating in group discussions. It certainly does get noisy at the rear of the class where 2 groups (one of which i participate in) practically sit within meters of each other having group discussions. It seems a bit of a waste when we try to teach the rest of the group our 'hard researched' weekly topics only to be distracted by noise. The front of the room is no doubt a bit quieter being the only group down that end. So perhaps one extra small room (if available & close by) would solve the noise distraction levels and benefit our learning outcomes.
Is there any chance of this happening?
Thank you
Monday, March 19, 2007
Hope people find it useful
P.S if anyone has some good websites for the biology assignment, post them up!!
Biology tutors
The Great FunkyStu !!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Everyone should be able to view it, but to edit you need to both have a google account (the same as what you need to contribute to this blog) as well as be added to the permissions list. As of now I have added everyone's university email to this list (in the form of If your email is different to this, or you used a different email to sign up to this blog, just email me your correct one and I'll add you when I get the chance (I check my email accounts daily).
This should be pretty awesome if it is kept up to date with everything, but I certainly can't do that on my own, so everyone: log on and start adding important BOH dates!
BTW, I think the calendar is best viewed in the month view (either click on the month tab at the top, or click on the name of the month on the left hand side)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Who is Studious?
1. inclined to study: having a thoughtful nature and given to studying
2. careful and painstaking: careful and painstaking, with considerable attention to detail
a studious investigation
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
Who is this mystery card?? Where did he/she come from??? What are his/her plans?? Where are they going??? I can't sleep knowing this mystery person is stalking our blog! Is it a lecturer perhaps??
we want clues !!!
Must solve the X file! Anyone??
How to Blog
1) You can create a subject post (like the one you are reading now) by clicking on ‘new post’ in the top right corner of this page. Note: it will only appear if you have signed in. Sign in by clicking on the 'sign in' link in the top right corner also.
2) If you wish to make a comment on the subject of an existing post, i.e. Stuart’s great little timetable, then click on the word ‘comments’ below the relevant subject post. On the right of the screen will be a textbox to type your comment and on the left will be any comments already posted.
Please feel free to try commenting under this post if you wish. Maybe you would like to tell us all what you thought of this week’s clinic session, or how you feel about not brushing your teeth Monday-Wednesday next week so that your operator has some plaque to prod about in clinic!... please make a comment… don’t leave me hanging like this… ;)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Anyway, I hope it helps :)
Oh, and if there's any mistakes, please point them out in the comments asap.
Howdy guys and thanks!
See ya guys- well done on all the hard work thus far. the weekend is just around the corner.......phew!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
'LAST CALL' Human Biology 'Catch Up' Lesson 26/03 11am
There is a Human Biology 'Catch up' Lesson scheduled for Monday the 26th of March 11am for any BOH 1st years interested. The Venue is 'to be announced', firstly we need to know numbers attending for the use of a suitable sized available room. Those who feel like taking advantage of this NON COMPULSORY lesson to reinforce any areas of concern are strongly urged to attend.So far there are around 12 people are attending. Please bring some specific questions to ask Sophie in this session.
If u would like to attend and have not yet confirmed your attendance can u please post a message in the 'comments' section under this posting or let Susan Clift or myself know by Tuesday 20th March.
Thank you.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
General Studies
hows everyone coping so far??? feels like the work is slowly piling on.....lets try keep on top of it early for example the infection control assignment, start gathering information now to make it easier in the long run. anyways its best i go now but get excited for our second clinic session tomorow...see you all
got HERE
I think that we all need to be mindful that during lectures everybody is at different levels on knowledge and understanding. We need to be respectful of this. Taking and laughing during lecture is distracting for others. I know that we have all been guilty of this at one point or another. Put yourself in others shoes and think how you would feel. Just something for you to consider.
Biology Blues
having worked with first year students in Hum Bio for a long time now, I can recognise that some of you are feeling a little out of your comfort zone. Keep asking questions in class, and keep up your reading - and re-reading. Sometimes what is confusing the first time around, is clearer when you read it for the 2nd or 3rd time. Make notes or draw diagrams as you go. I find reading the abstract or review of the chapter is a good way of revising.
I noticed in the tute this morning that some of you more experience in this field than others - try and find an experienced person in the group to have a coffee with (you may have to buy the coffee, but it will be worth it) and have a list of questions ready to go through with them.
Sites such as these are a good way of keeping the communication going.
Keep in touch
Hi and bye!!
I had a browse at the BOH 1 blog this morning (I had hoped it would be quick!) and whilst it's been really interesting reading all your thoughts and comments, I have decided it's too time consuming for me to manage the MyUni sites for the different streams/year levels/courses that I teach in (a Uni requirement that I must fulfil) and respond/add comments to the blog (optional for me!).
So I won't be participating in any discussions at this stage... if you have any queries or comments specific to D&HSc, please email directly to me.
However I have taken on board comments about noting updates to MyUni and will undertake to place a notice on Announcements to highlight whenever changes/additions are made to D&HSc.
I hope this helps a little - I can see that the process of communicating and transferring info is a very time consuming business for everyone!!!
All the best
Monday, March 12, 2007
Iam Finally a Blogger!! yay!!
I am a Blogger!!! Thanks so much Luke
for instructing me how to do this!!
Hope we all have recovered from our
........Studying and all of course..............
C ya all tomorrow(today)...its past midnight...
betta go get some all in 8HRS..and a bit!
hey guys!
how we all doing? hows the weekend been? now have we done much homework or just gotten stone drunk all weekend? yeah yeah i know what your all gonna reply with.... "hell yeah!" lol. you guys are one of the coolest bunch of people that I've met. thanks for all being so chilled. catchas all tomorrow, bright and early... a 5:30 rise for me! woo hoo bring it awn!
luv yas all xoxo
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Who is Studious?
Starting out..
Ok so I've finally logged in! (what an example I'm setting already)
Just wanted to let you all know to please approach Luke and/or I and have a chat if you are having any difficulties.
We want to represent 1st year BOH to the best of our ability so please help us by always letting us know what's going on, good or bad..
A few people have already spoken to me about troubles they're having with biology, I know there are lots of people in our course that haven't done much, if any, biology before, so if you do feel that way I'm sure lots of others do as well.
Let's try to get on top of the problem before it becomes a major issue, even if it means extra study! And remember to utilise students in the course with a biology background, particularly tertiary transfer and school leavers who seem to have done a bit more..
Well i hope you all have a good long weekend, personally I'll be playing softball and working, not much partying :(
And of course I'll be studying!
Oh and I have a myspace at and msn at (very original aren't I?)
See you all bright and early Tuesday morning!
Susan :) (sorry it ended up so long, unintentional)
Friday, March 9, 2007
Just to let you know
Thursday, March 8, 2007
**Updated 9/3 at 3.03 (fixed the link - it should now download just by clicking it)
**Updated 9/3 at 2.55 (implemented Sophie's corrections)
This is kind of a spin off from the post Nikki started, but I think it will be easier to manage edits and updates if it has it's own post (as you cannon edit comments).
Just to fill everyone in, a lot of us are having a bit of trouble with the time table that we were given on day one, mainly because of all the alterations we've been given and the rather static nature of physical paper (one piece can only handle so many edits). The (hopeful) solution is to maintain a regularly updated one online.
Just to let everybody know how I arrived at this (probably-not-so-correct) timetable, I entered in all of the times from the original timetable (that we were given on our very first day) and then attempted to change all the classes to those published in our student handbook (on the assumption that it's more recent date of publication would make it more correct). There were a few clashes, including Monday's clinical practice time (as published in the handbook) completely overlapping the following general studies class. I have since made a few alterations based on the recommendations of our our esteemed male class rep and have also decided to remover the multi-colour support whilst still in the editing phase (its just too much extra work, and if people really want the different colours they can use the font colour button on the format bar of excel)
Anyway I'm having quite a bit of trouble ironing out the creases, so any posts regarding corrections would be greatly appreciated (I'll try and add them on an almost daily basis)
Anyway here is the link:
**Disclaimer: please note that, while every attempt has been made to get this correct, it is more likely than not that I screwed it up badly. At the moment I believe the start times for each day to be accurate, as well as the finishing times for Monday-Thursday.
Just wanna say congratulations to both Susan and Luke for making class reps.
No pressure guys! ;) Haha!
Our course so far has ben heaps of fun! It's also been incredibly daunting! Im not sure about anyone else, but my timetable appears very confusing! I'm not sure if it is possible, but are we able to get our hands on an ammended timetable with all the additions and changes fixed up on it? My pencil marks are getting very messy!
Also, if anyone is having any trobules with the bio or chem in Human Biology, I still have my books from year 12 which I'm happy for people to borrow or have a look at. They give a very simple explaination of whats going on and build up from there. (I have some workbooks too so you can test yourself along the way) Let me know and I'll be happy to bring them in.
Well, I'll see you all tomorrow, and if I forget, have a fantastic long weekend! - STAY HEALTHY!
Human Biology 'Catch Up' Lesson 26/03 11am
So far there are around 11 people are attending. Please bring some questions for Sophie along to the session. If u would like to attend and have not yet confirmed your attendance can u please let Susan Clift or myself Luke Knolder know asap so Sophie is aware of numbers attending. Thank you.
Also, please feel welcome to approach your class reps re. any matters, we will do our very best to help! We are truly honored, and on behalf of Susan and myself, thank you.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Sweat may spread Hepatitis B virus
It was on The Age newspaper yesterday.
Sweat may spread hepatitis B virus
Findings from a study of Olympic wrestlers indicate that hepatitis B virus is found in the sweat of infected individuals, and so sweating might be a way that the virus could be passed between participants in contact sports.
Bleeding wounds and mucous membranes have been implicated in hepatitis B transmission during contact sports, but until now no study had looked to see if sweat carries the virus.
Dr S Bereket-Yucel, from Celal Bayar University in Izmir, Turkey, tested for DNA of the hepatitis B virus in blood and sweat samples from 70 male Olympic wrestlers.
The results indicated that nine (13 per cent) of the wrestlers had the hepatitis B virus in their blood.
However, these were deemed "occult" infections because no antibodies to the virus were detected in any of the wrestlers, according to the investigators' report ahead of print by the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
In eight of the nine participants whose blood tested positive, DNA for hepatitis B was also detected in sweat.
Based on these results, "Evidence is emerging that the incidence of occult HBV in Olympic wrestling is higher than expected and that transmission of HBV may also occur through sweat," the researcher concludes.
"The advice of sports organisations about HBV testing should be changed," they recommend, "making it obligatory for all participants involved in contact sports and playing under adult rules to be vaccinated against hepatitis B."
SOURCE: British Journal of Sports Medicine, issued March 1, 2007.
Basement Party 1
Anyway I reckon it would be great if more of us could rock up for the next basement party. It would be a great chance to socialise with each other and strengthen our BOH Learning Community.
I know the timing for this one was less than optimal (4hours after the conclusion of our last lecture), but for future parties we should all be able walk straight there after general studies.