Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hey all,
what a FAN....TAS....TIC night!!! One not to be forgotten and surely the next dental balls can only get better!!!! :) Well done to Kazza for organising the hotel room at the Liberty Towers! Excellent views to say the least!! If I had to critique the dental ball I would say that they served excellent food, good wine, the beer was average (west end draught i believe), excellent company, and good music! Well done to the organisers from the AUDSS! The cost was well worth it. To finish my critique....the only thing they could do better next time is serve better beer!!! and perhaps put the 'door prize' ticket under my seat hehe ;)
Cheers to 12 of the BOH 1 class that attended, hope to see more people there next year! :)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

7 day extension on the developmental psychology assignment

Hey all,
most of you should be well aware of the 7 day extension that Katrina P has kindly given us. I sent an email to all BOH1 students on Friday the 21st to notify you on the extension and the possibility of having Friday free if we agree to having the last 2 DHS Psychology lectures on Tuesday 4th of September (provided that this offer still stands when I confirm class preference with Katrina on Monday). For anyone that may have not received the email I sent, a request for a short extension on on the psych. assignment was made on behalf of the class as a few student expressed some concern re. the due date. Katrina gladly extended this due date for the entire class so just add 7 days on top of the original assignment due date, and if you get it done before hand then.....bonus! On behalf of the class I expressed our appreciation for this extension. Get stuck into it and enjoy the useful knowledge! :)